As you see you can see it's a romance movie.
The story starts Makoto saw girl put her hands up and waiting for the car to stop to cross the road, and Makoto sugest her to use switch traffic light ,
and she said she doesn't understand why she can't cross the road, maybe there will
be a nice persone will stop for her.....
their accidental meeting they didn't know what will happen
Actually they had a unique character, so they became good friends, they go to closed
forest and takes picture. Shizur falls love with Makoto , but he loves Miyuki which is famouse girl at his university.
and one day Shizur get out from her house she said she will live at school, so he asked
her to come and stay at his house.
and Miyuki asked Makoto to come to wedding show, (Shizur asked him to go take a photo but he refused he had appointment wish Miyuki), Makoto has a skin allergy he
apply medicine but he didn't apply cause maybe Miyuki colud not like it, but he can't
suppress itch and he went to toilet and he finds Shizur put the medicine in his pocket
i think this is the part he start to fall in love with Shizur, when he came back home he
said "what can i do in your birthday" and she said the kiss she will used at the contest.
And this is my favorite part, the movie picture is so beautiful .... Super beautiful...
and they kissed for the for the picture ...... for a long time, and she said was it our kiss
there is little love!!. but he couldn't answer, he was confuese hehe i guess so..
and he said he will do a party for her, when he came to house Shizur left the house
there was only a note.... and he start to find her everywhere, eventhough it was rainning,
He couldn't find her anywhere... because of the rain he got sick... his friend bring him to
hospital ... i like this part, he said please let me down i have a stinky smell, and they said are u kidding, you don't have any smell..
as we can see here maybe we are concered other people it's actually notthing
after 2years he got letter from Shizur (he became a cameramen). she invited him to her
photo exhibithion in New York. And he met Miyuki and he heard she is dead that she has a hereditary disease that if she become adult the diease will grow so she stayed like a child but she fall a love whith Makoto .... , and during staying in the hospital
she write a lot of letter to Makoto, During last 2 years Shizur came to New York and
worked hard at photo studio and she is not like a child anymore, she grow up like a adult, and said "as i said i will make you suprised and make you regret that you didn't get relationship with me".... he see Shizur picture at her exhitbition, she changed so much she was beautiful... i can image how hard she worked for it.
He said he will wait for Shizru letter....and i liked the quote "she often lies to me,i like to still hear that lies"
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