Family story, specifically. Their four daughter's
Meg,Jo,Beth,Amy ,…the story is based by the novel You may Know .....
Mr.March the girl's father is serving as a Union
chaplain in the Civil War.
One day mum got the letter, from,Mr.March and .it said he is sicked ..
So she need go to him, and the four girls help each other until mum comes back, specially Jo cuts her hair to make money for her father,how wonderful is it, but for my opinion,this scene. Should be moving. Scenes , but, it was not
Cause Lori laughed, maybe they should change
When Jo show's her short hair they are showing their tears and hug eachother..
Jo mets Lori at the party. He was hiding in the library, and they became good freinds
Beth is the kindest girl among this fout she went to helped the poors, sadly the baby was terrible sick
, the baby died and beth got sick, she feels bad she couldn't, helped
At the Christmas time mr March camed And Beth was much better than before
And Meg gets married to Loris teacher??
And Lori proposed to Jo, but she refused but i think she liked him, she felt bad what she did, and her mum asked her to go Newyork.. And she mets German professor, she shows
her novel and they got closed, and i liked the scene. When he asked Jo to go see the oprea, the seat was at the bckstaged and he traslated the song for,her and he speak of love , and they kissed, is not a luxury place, but it can be romantic...
One day she shows her novel to him but, he says something. Carefully to her and he thought he doesn't. Likes the novel , i remember he said write your story the true story, then she said that's what i write, she got heart easily, maybe she wants that who she likes , tells her the goodthings,
But maybe i do to, we have to learn. To listen for the bad coaching as well, that's,the time we'll grow
If you pass the hill
And that, time. Jo recives the letter. Beth is seriously, Sick and she returns home.
But Beth died.....Sooooooo sad part, i don't like sad part ㅠㅜ....And Jo cleans up Beth stuff, and she found. The play rolling paper when they. Were young, i don't. Know What kind of story it camed out from her, she start's to write perhaps. Writer does too like this they write from theirexperiences..
And Meg got a's are so cute
And Lori, came and he show her wife, which was Amy , Suprised....i don't. Know why Lori marrys Amy,
i preafer Jo and Lori ㅜㅠㅜㅡ And i was shocked
Why the story goes like that, Lori likes three girls
In the same family Meg,Jo,Amy, isn't. Uncomfortable. To love the girl in the sane family, I would be like that..
And then this is my favorite scen
Jo came from,the work and she founds the envelope, and it was her novel , and she thought. It was him the german professor. And it was him
And he realized. He misunderstood,that Jo is getting. Marry ,actually it was Amy , and he proposed and this is what i liked "but i have. Nothing "and she grabs his hand and said "not anymore"
How romantic hehe!!!!
Don't be afaid and kindeness that the March Family showed,
(Specially. I think the main story u s about the Jo Isn't it)
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